Dense City

Nip Shing Chin

The Glasgow City, the largest city in Scotland, is the heart of Scotland. It gives a lot of opportunities to both local and foreigner to jump in. With incredible development along River Clyde, the growth of city can be foreseen and hence Glasgow became one of most energetic and attractive cities in the world.

Due to thousand of crowd settled themselves down there, the city was required to expand very quickly. Meanwhile, the density of accommodations increased rapidly in three-dimensional directions such as to explore feasibilities of mega skyscraper and underground activities. In order to maintain the original characteristic and identity of the Glasgow, a new type of building, mega structure, arose to centralize habitation zone as well as spread commercial activities in underground to allow a vibrant liveable city on ground.

The skyscraper is simple but with compact and thriving in structure. It stacked itself up and grew like a tree which provides natural quality for living. Its roots were digging into underground to become a massive social network to allow commercial activities strike through Glasgow city. The roots acts as a stimulus to help the tree grow as well as gives an opportunity for expanding city without destroy its uniqueness.